Herewith lay the adventures of a hopeful gypsy (myself), in the disguise of a Sydney Northern Beaches mum of 3 young boys, tagging along with her landscape photographer husband (Angus Benham of Gusha Visual Media) as he travels around Australia for 6 months. (You will notice that I am not blessed with the same photographic talents as my husband. Follow gusha.angusbenham on Instagram or gushavm on Facebook for the real pics of the trip). This concept is generally met with friendly envy until it is revealed that the youngest of my grommets will be just 5 weeks old when we depart. One mum’s “crazy!” is another’s “blissful simplicity”. Time will tell.
Intent of Blog: Inform and update family and friends. How much you chose to read is up to you
Trip motto: Simplify Life. Explore Everything. Love Each Other.
Mode of Adventure: Toyota Prado 2009 hauling a Jayco Dove Outback 2006
Route: Sydney - Katherine via the east coast and central Qld - Kimberleys on the Gibb River Rd - Broome and as far south on WA’s west coast until we have to be home.